The Header type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanResizeColumns
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can resize the Columns in this Header.
Public propertyColumnPanelHeight
Gets or sets the height of the column panel.
Public propertyColumns
Gets a collection of all available columns (visible and invisible).
Public propertyCount
Gets the count of all columns (visible and invisible).
Public propertyFixedColumns
Gets a collection of non-scrollable columns.
Public propertyFocusedColumn
Gets or sets a focused Column.
Public propertyGrid
Gets the GridControl, to which the Header belongs.
Public propertyGroupedColumns
Gets a collection of grouped columns.
Public propertyGroupPanelHeight
Gets or sets the height of the group panel.
Public propertyHasFilter
Gets a value indicating whether the header has at last one column filter.
Public propertyHeight
Gets the height of the Header, including heights of the group and the column panels.
Public propertyItem[([( Int32])])
Gets the Column at the specified index.
Public propertyItem[([( String])])
Gets the Column with the specified identifier.
Public propertyLevel
Gets a hierarchical level of the Header.
Public propertyScrollType
Gets or sets the column scroll type.
Public propertySortedColumns
Gets a collection of sorted columns.
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Header is visible.
Public propertyVisibleColumns
Gets a collection of visible columns.
Public propertyVisibleGroupPanel
Gets or sets a value indicating whether group panel is visible.

See Also