The Grid..::..GridTooltips type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCellFrameColor
Gets or sets the color to paint a frame around the Cell if a tooltip is currently displayed.
Public propertyCellFrameEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Grid can paint a frame around the Cell if a tooltip is currently displayed.
Public propertyCellMessageImage
Gets or sets image to be displayed in Cell.
Public propertyCellMessageImageAlignment
Gets or sets the alignment of cell tooltip image.
Public propertyCellMessageImageEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether cell tooltip messages are enabled.
Public propertyCurrentCell
Gets the current Cell, for which the tooltip is displayed.
Public propertyIsBalloon
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tooltip should use a balloon window.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the preferred orientation of the ToolTip relative to the Cell.
Public propertyTooltipColor
Gets or sets the background color of the tooltip.
Public propertyTooltipDuration
Gets or sets the duration to display the tooltip.
Public propertyTooltipEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether tooltips are enabled.

See Also