The PrimitiveTypeAccessor type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBindable
Gets a value indicating whether this IDataField is bindable.
Public propertyBrowsable
Gets a value indicating whether this IDataField is browsable in property-like grids.
Public propertyCount
Gets the count of IDataField.
Public propertyDataAccessor
Gets the accessor to the data object.
Public propertyDataObject
Gets the underlying data object if exists.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the property. Usually the full user-friendly description or explanation of the property.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets the user-friendly name, the property is displayed with. Usually is has a short form to display in columns.
Public propertyFieldType
Gets the type of the field.
Public propertyHierarchicalFields
Gets a list of data fields that allows GridControl to build a hierarchy
Public propertyId
Gets the string identifier of the data field. This identifier must be unique across the IDataAccessor.
Public propertyIndex
Gets the index of the property.
Public propertyIsComposite
Gets a value indicating whether this data filed is composite.
Public propertyIsHierarchical
Gets a value indicating whether an object or a collection of objects returned by the field should be added to the grid as children of the current data object
Public propertyReadonly
Gets a value indicating whether this IDataField is readonly.
Public propertySupportsIdentifiers
Gets a value indicating whether this accessor supports field indexing by the string identifiers.
Public propertySupportsNotifications
Gets a value indicating whether this data accessor and underlying data object fire notifications, when the property is changed.
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets the value of this IDataField.
Public propertyValueConverter
Gets a converter to transform the value, returned by the Value property to a string and vice-versa. If the converter successfully parses the string, the resulting value will be passed to the Value method.

See Also