MFC Grid manual

CField Member List

This is the complete list of members for CField, including all inherited members.

CField(const CField &field)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, EnType fieldType, CFormat *format)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetMfcString getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetMfcString setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetStlString getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetStlString setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetChar getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetChar setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetUChar getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetUChar setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetShort getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetShort setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetUShort getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetUShort setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetLong getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetLong setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetULong getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetULong setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetInt64 getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetInt64 setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetBool getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetBool setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetFloat getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetFloat setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetDouble getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetDouble setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
CField(FID fid, const TCHAR *name, CDataObject::pfnGetObjectPtr getMethod, CDataObject::pfnSetObjectPtr setMethod, CFormat *format, const TCHAR *getMethodName=0, const TCHAR *setMethodName=0)CField
Clone() const CField [virtual]
GetFid() const CField [inline]
GetFormat() const CField [inline]
GetName() const CField
GetPfnGetName() const CField
GetPfnSetName() const CField
GetType() const CField [inline]
HasGetMethod() const CField [inline]
HasSetMethod() const CField [inline]
PfnGetBool() const CField [inline]
PfnGetChar() const CField [inline]
PfnGetDouble() const CField [inline]
PfnGetFloat() const CField [inline]
PfnGetInt64() const CField [inline]
PfnGetLong() const CField [inline]
PfnGetMfcString() const CField [inline]
PfnGetObjectPtr() const CField [inline]
PfnGetShort() const CField [inline]
PfnGetStlString() const CField [inline]
PfnGetUChar() const CField [inline]
PfnGetULong() const CField [inline]
PfnGetUShort() const CField [inline]
PfnSetBool() const CField [inline]
PfnSetChar() const CField [inline]
PfnSetDouble() const CField [inline]
PfnSetFloat() const CField [inline]
PfnSetInt64() const CField [inline]
PfnSetLong() const CField [inline]
PfnSetMfcString() const CField [inline]
PfnSetObjectPtr() const CField [inline]
PfnSetShort() const CField [inline]
PfnSetStlString() const CField [inline]
PfnSetUChar() const CField [inline]
PfnSetULong() const CField [inline]
PfnSetUShort() const CField [inline]
~CField()CField [virtual]