CAppearance | The object of this class stores color preferences of the grid and permits to serialize/deserialize them to/from the archive |
CAutomat | CAutomat is targeted for asynchronous CJob processing |
CBackgroundImage | This class is destined to store a backgound image with information that determines how is the image presented in the grid |
CBoolFormat | Transforms bool-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CBoolReflector | Performs edit in place operations on bool-type fields in CEmbeddedCombo control |
CCellPaintFormat | Default implementation of ICellPaintFormat interface. Performs painting of a cell in CGrid |
CCharFormat | Transforms char-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CCharReflector | Performs edit in place operations with char-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CCheckBoxReflector | Performs edit in place operations on bool-type fields |
CColorBlend | Contains color information and its transparency level. Used in alpha-blend operations |
CColorPicker | Color picker control |
CColumn | This class implements a column of the header |
CColumn::INotify | Interface for receiving notifications about column state modification |
CColumnPaintFormat | Default implementation of IColumnPaintFormat interface. Performs painting of a column in CGrid |
CColumnPaintInfo | Information for drawing a column |
CCopyPaste | Default implementation of ICopyPaste interface |
CCopyPasteSettings | Copy/cut/paste settings |
CCustomDraw | Default implementation of ICustomDraw interface |
CCutCopySource | Grid items source in copy or cut clipboard operations |
CDataObject | Base class for the objects presented in GUI::CGrid |
CDataObject::ISink | Interface to receive notifications from CDataObject |
CDefaultMfcStringFormat | This format performs no actions |
CDefaultReflector | Performs edit in place operations with any field type in CEdit control |
CDefaultStlStringFormat | This format doesn't performs any actions |
CDelegate | This class organizes aggregation relations between data objects |
CDoubleFormat | Transforms double-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CDoubleReflector | Performs edit in place operations with double-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CDragDrop | Default implementation of the drag and drop interface |
CDragDropSettings | Drag and drop settings |
CDragImage | |
CDragSource | Grid items source in drag & drop clipboard operations |
CDropPosition | Indicates the location where clipboard content should be dropped |
CDropTarget | Contains the grid, position, and clipboard content to perform a drop operation |
CDynamicObject | CDynamicObject has nether Set- nor Get- functions. The values are accessible by the field identifiers |
CEditInPlace | Default implementation of IEditInPlace interface |
CEditInPlaceContext | Contains nested information such as reference to CGrid, cell position etc. to perform edit in place |
CEditInPlaceFactory | Contains a list of reflectors that create, populate and handle specified MFC controls during edit in place operations |
CEditInPlaceHelper | Helper class that facilitates some edit in place operations |
CEditInPlaceSettings | Edit in place settings |
CEmbeddedCombo | Extension of CComboBox |
CEmbeddedControlAdapter | Enables attachment of almost any MFC control to CGrid |
CEmbeddedControlAdapter::ISink | Callback interface to receive notifications from MFC control |
CEmbeddedControlParams | Parameters indicating how MFC control is attached to CGrid |
CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl | Datetime control that is optimized to work with date or time values |
CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl::Slot | Logical slot inside of the datetime control |
CEmptyFormat | This format doesn't perform actions with non-formatted value and always returns an empty string |
CField | Presets and describes a field in a class derived from CDataObject |
CFieldMap | Contains a table of the fields of the class, inheriting from CDataObject |
CFloatFormat | Transforms float-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CFloatReflector | Performs edit in place operations with float-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CFormat | Base class for all the formats that transform the unformatted value returned by CDataObject to its text presentation and vice versa |
CFormatFactory | Singleton which realizes a format factory |
CGrid | This class implements full featured thread-safe hierarchical list control |
CGridCell | Cell-related paint information |
CGridLine | Line-related paint information |
CGridPrintPreview | Print preview dialog |
CHeader | This class implements the header |
CHeader::INotify | Interface to receive notifications about the header state modification |
CHeaderConfigurationDlg | Handles visibility and location of columns in the header |
CHeaderPaintFormat | Default implementation of IHeaderPaintFormat interface |
CHeaderPaintInfo | Header related paint information |
CHexFormatter | Helper that converts value to a hexadecimal string and vice versa |
CHighlightSettings | Highlighting related information |
CHtmlTooltip | ITooltip implementation that presents a cell's content as a html-formatted text |
CHtmlTooltipCtrl | Implements an html browser as a window to display the tooltip |
CInPlaceTooltipCtrl | Implements the tooltip that is displayed over the cell with partially visible text |
CInt64DateFormat | This class formats time represented by 64-bit value that is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 |
CInt64DateReflector | Performs edit in place operations on __int64-type fields in CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl control |
CInt64Format | Transforms __int64 - type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CInt64Reflector | Performs edit in place operations on __int64-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CJob | Abstract job to be executed in CAutomat |
CKeyManager | Default implementation of IKeyManager interface |
CLinePaintFormat | Default implementation of ILinePaintFormat interface |
CLocalDataFormat | Local data format to process drag and drop and copy/paste operations inside of an application |
CLock | An instance of CLock class automatically acquires CSyncObject in the constructor and releases it in the destructor |
CLongColorReflector | Performs edit in place operations on long-type fields in the color picker control |
CLongDateFormat | Transforms time represented by 32-bit value that is a number of seconds elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970 |
CLongDateTimeReflector | Performs edit in place operations on long-type fields in CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl control |
CLongEnumFormat | Converts enumerated value to a text and vice versa |
CLongEnumFormat::Item | Represents a pair of numeric value and a corresponding formatted string |
CLongEnumReflector | Performs edit in place operations on long-type fields in CEmbeddedCombo control |
CLongFormat | Transforms long-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CLongMsecTimeFormat | Format for long-type values representing time in milliseconds |
CLongMsecTimeReflector | Performs edit in place operations with long-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CLongReflector | Performs edit in place operations with long-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CMsImg32 | Helper class to perform image and color manipulations |
CNumericEdit | Edit control that is optimized to work with numeric values |
CommonException | Base class, used by Common library |
CPaintContext | Paint-related information |
CPaintFormatFactory | Enables creation of an instance of a specified format by its string name |
CPaintHelper | Helper that implements the most frequent painting routines |
CPaintInfo | Contains painting information like colors, font, bounds, text adjustment |
CPasteTarget | Indicates the location in the grid where a clipboard content should be inserted |
CPreferences | Provides preferences of GUI library and default implementations of various interfaces |
CPreferences | Global preferences of Common library |
CPrintSettings | Print settings |
CProgressCellPaintFormat | Draws a progress bar for numeric-type fields |
CRecursionChecker | Helper, that automatically calls CRecursionProtector::Enter() in its constructor and in the destructor it calls CRecursionProtector::Leave() |
CRecursionProtector | The class is destined to detect a function recursive call |
CRecursionProtector::CRecursionException | Exception is raised when recursion is detected |
CRemoteDataFormat | Clipboard format processing drag and drop and copy/paste operations between different applications. It stores hierarchical information about items in the grid |
CSerializer | CSerializer enables you to save objects in binary form and reconstruct them in memory from a binary archive |
CSerializer::BadVersionException | Thrown when an object tries to restore itself from the archive with a version greater than the maximum supported |
CSerializer::NotSupportedException | Thrown when an object doesn't support serialization |
CSerializer::SerializationException | Base class for serialization exceptions |
CShortFormat | Transforms short-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CShortReflector | Performs edit in place operations with short-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CSortInfo | Contains sorting related information |
CSyncObject | Provides the functionality to protect objects against simultaneous access by two and more threads. CSyncObject internally uses a critical section |
CTextClipboardFormat | Text data source for clipboard copy and drag&prop operations |
CThread | Creates and controls a thread |
CThreadRecursionProtector | The class is destined to detect a function recursive call in multi-threaded applications |
CTimer | Singleton. It manages the timers in its own thread |
CTimer::ICallBack | Callback interface to be called when a timer expires |
CTooltip | Dedault implementation of ITooltip |
CTooltipCtrl | Default implementation of ITooltipCtrl interface |
CTooltipSettings | Tooltip settings |
CTypeFactory | Singleton which realizes a data object factory |
CUCharFormat | Transforms unsigned char-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CUCharReflector | Performs edit in place operations with unsigned char-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CULongFormat | Transforms unsigned long-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CULongReflector | Performs edit in place operations with unsigned long-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CUShortFormat | Transforms unsigned short-type value to its text presentation and vice versa |
CUShortReflector | Performs edit in place operations with unsigned short-type fields in CNumericEdit control |
CValue | Stores value of the primitive type used by Common and GUI libraries |
IAutoDelete | Determines whether the object that implements IAutoDelete interface is destroyed by CGrid |
ICellPaintFormat | Interface to paint a cell in CGrid |
IClipboardFormat | Serializes and deserializes handles to lines in CGrid to/from the clipboard |
IClipboardFormat::RestoredInfo | This structure keeps data with their hierarchy, deserialized from the clipboard |
IColumnPaintFormat | Interface to paint a header in CGrid |
IControlReflector | IControlReflector interface |
ICopyPaste | Interface to copy contents of CGrid to the clipboard |
ICustomDraw | Performs custom drawing in CGrid |
IDragDrop | Drag and drop interface |
IEditInPlace | Manages all phases of edit in place process |
IEditInPlace::NavigationTarget | Determines the next cell which can participate in navigation |
IForEach | Interface to iterate items in the CGrid |
IGridFilter | Interface to filter data objects in CGrid |
IHeaderPaintFormat | Interface to paint a header in CGrid |
IKeyManager | Interface to perform some actions (copy, paste, navigation, etc.) in the grid in response |
ILinePaintFormat | Interface to paint a line in CGrid |
IObjectImporter | Interface to import data objects from other applications |
ITooltip | Interface determining a content of the tooltip |
ITooltipCtrl | Interface to handle tooltip location in the grid |
NM_GRIDCOLUMN | Sent by the grid to notify its parent window about column changing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message |
NM_GRIDDRAGDROP | Sent by the grid to notify its parent window about drag & drop processing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message |
NM_GRIDEDIT | Sent by the grid to notify its parent window about edit in place processing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message |
NM_GRIDITEM | Sent by the grid to notify its parent window about item updating. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message |
NM_GRIDSORT | Sent by the grid to notify its parent window about sorting changing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message |