MFC Grid manual

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CAppearanceThe object of this class stores color preferences of the grid and permits to serialize/deserialize them to/from the archive
CAutomatCAutomat is targeted for asynchronous CJob processing
CBackgroundImageThis class is destined to store a backgound image with information that determines how is the image presented in the grid
CBoolFormatTransforms bool-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CBoolReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on bool-type fields in CEmbeddedCombo control
CCellPaintFormatDefault implementation of ICellPaintFormat interface. Performs painting of a cell in CGrid
CCharFormatTransforms char-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CCharReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with char-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CCheckBoxReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on bool-type fields
CColorBlendContains color information and its transparency level. Used in alpha-blend operations
CColorPickerColor picker control
CColumnThis class implements a column of the header
CColumn::INotifyInterface for receiving notifications about column state modification
CColumnPaintFormatDefault implementation of IColumnPaintFormat interface. Performs painting of a column in CGrid
CColumnPaintInfoInformation for drawing a column
CCopyPasteDefault implementation of ICopyPaste interface
CCopyPasteSettingsCopy/cut/paste settings
CCustomDrawDefault implementation of ICustomDraw interface
CCutCopySourceGrid items source in copy or cut clipboard operations
CDataObjectBase class for the objects presented in GUI::CGrid
CDataObject::ISinkInterface to receive notifications from CDataObject
CDefaultMfcStringFormatThis format performs no actions
CDefaultReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with any field type in CEdit control
CDefaultStlStringFormatThis format doesn't performs any actions
CDelegateThis class organizes aggregation relations between data objects
CDoubleFormatTransforms double-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CDoubleReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with double-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CDragDropDefault implementation of the drag and drop interface
CDragDropSettingsDrag and drop settings
CDragSourceGrid items source in drag & drop clipboard operations
CDropPositionIndicates the location where clipboard content should be dropped
CDropTargetContains the grid, position, and clipboard content to perform a drop operation
CDynamicObjectCDynamicObject has nether Set- nor Get- functions. The values are accessible by the field identifiers
CEditInPlaceDefault implementation of IEditInPlace interface
CEditInPlaceContextContains nested information such as reference to CGrid, cell position etc. to perform edit in place
CEditInPlaceFactoryContains a list of reflectors that create, populate and handle specified MFC controls during edit in place operations
CEditInPlaceHelperHelper class that facilitates some edit in place operations
CEditInPlaceSettingsEdit in place settings
CEmbeddedComboExtension of CComboBox
CEmbeddedControlAdapterEnables attachment of almost any MFC control to CGrid
CEmbeddedControlAdapter::ISinkCallback interface to receive notifications from MFC control
CEmbeddedControlParamsParameters indicating how MFC control is attached to CGrid
CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrlDatetime control that is optimized to work with date or time values
CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl::SlotLogical slot inside of the datetime control
CEmptyFormatThis format doesn't perform actions with non-formatted value and always returns an empty string
CFieldPresets and describes a field in a class derived from CDataObject
CFieldMapContains a table of the fields of the class, inheriting from CDataObject
CFloatFormatTransforms float-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CFloatReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with float-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CFormatBase class for all the formats that transform the unformatted value returned by CDataObject to its text presentation and vice versa
CFormatFactorySingleton which realizes a format factory
CGridThis class implements full featured thread-safe hierarchical list control
CGridCellCell-related paint information
CGridLineLine-related paint information
CGridPrintPreviewPrint preview dialog
CHeaderThis class implements the header
CHeader::INotifyInterface to receive notifications about the header state modification
CHeaderConfigurationDlgHandles visibility and location of columns in the header
CHeaderPaintFormatDefault implementation of IHeaderPaintFormat interface
CHeaderPaintInfoHeader related paint information
CHexFormatterHelper that converts value to a hexadecimal string and vice versa
CHighlightSettingsHighlighting related information
CHtmlTooltipITooltip implementation that presents a cell's content as a html-formatted text
CHtmlTooltipCtrlImplements an html browser as a window to display the tooltip
CInPlaceTooltipCtrlImplements the tooltip that is displayed over the cell with partially visible text
CInt64DateFormatThis class formats time represented by 64-bit value that is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601
CInt64DateReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on __int64-type fields in CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl control
CInt64FormatTransforms __int64 - type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CInt64ReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on __int64-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CJobAbstract job to be executed in CAutomat
CKeyManagerDefault implementation of IKeyManager interface
CLinePaintFormatDefault implementation of ILinePaintFormat interface
CLocalDataFormatLocal data format to process drag and drop and copy/paste operations inside of an application
CLockAn instance of CLock class automatically acquires CSyncObject in the constructor and releases it in the destructor
CLongColorReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on long-type fields in the color picker control
CLongDateFormatTransforms time represented by 32-bit value that is a number of seconds elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970
CLongDateTimeReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on long-type fields in CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl control
CLongEnumFormatConverts enumerated value to a text and vice versa
CLongEnumFormat::ItemRepresents a pair of numeric value and a corresponding formatted string
CLongEnumReflectorPerforms edit in place operations on long-type fields in CEmbeddedCombo control
CLongFormatTransforms long-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CLongMsecTimeFormatFormat for long-type values representing time in milliseconds
CLongMsecTimeReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with long-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CLongReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with long-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CMsImg32Helper class to perform image and color manipulations
CNumericEditEdit control that is optimized to work with numeric values
CommonExceptionBase class, used by Common library
CPaintContextPaint-related information
CPaintFormatFactoryEnables creation of an instance of a specified format by its string name
CPaintHelperHelper that implements the most frequent painting routines
CPaintInfoContains painting information like colors, font, bounds, text adjustment
CPasteTargetIndicates the location in the grid where a clipboard content should be inserted
CPreferencesProvides preferences of GUI library and default implementations of various interfaces
CPreferencesGlobal preferences of Common library
CPrintSettingsPrint settings
CProgressCellPaintFormatDraws a progress bar for numeric-type fields
CRecursionCheckerHelper, that automatically calls CRecursionProtector::Enter() in its constructor and in the destructor it calls CRecursionProtector::Leave()
CRecursionProtectorThe class is destined to detect a function recursive call
CRecursionProtector::CRecursionExceptionException is raised when recursion is detected
CRemoteDataFormatClipboard format processing drag and drop and copy/paste operations between different applications. It stores hierarchical information about items in the grid
CSerializerCSerializer enables you to save objects in binary form and reconstruct them in memory from a binary archive
CSerializer::BadVersionExceptionThrown when an object tries to restore itself from the archive with a version greater than the maximum supported
CSerializer::NotSupportedExceptionThrown when an object doesn't support serialization
CSerializer::SerializationExceptionBase class for serialization exceptions
CShortFormatTransforms short-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CShortReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with short-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CSortInfoContains sorting related information
CSyncObjectProvides the functionality to protect objects against simultaneous access by two and more threads. CSyncObject internally uses a critical section
CTextClipboardFormatText data source for clipboard copy and drag&prop operations
CThreadCreates and controls a thread
CThreadRecursionProtectorThe class is destined to detect a function recursive call in multi-threaded applications
CTimerSingleton. It manages the timers in its own thread
CTimer::ICallBackCallback interface to be called when a timer expires
CTooltipDedault implementation of ITooltip
CTooltipCtrlDefault implementation of ITooltipCtrl interface
CTooltipSettingsTooltip settings
CTypeFactorySingleton which realizes a data object factory
CUCharFormatTransforms unsigned char-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CUCharReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with unsigned char-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CULongFormatTransforms unsigned long-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CULongReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with unsigned long-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CUShortFormatTransforms unsigned short-type value to its text presentation and vice versa
CUShortReflectorPerforms edit in place operations with unsigned short-type fields in CNumericEdit control
CValueStores value of the primitive type used by Common and GUI libraries
IAutoDeleteDetermines whether the object that implements IAutoDelete interface is destroyed by CGrid
ICellPaintFormatInterface to paint a cell in CGrid
IClipboardFormatSerializes and deserializes handles to lines in CGrid to/from the clipboard
IClipboardFormat::RestoredInfoThis structure keeps data with their hierarchy, deserialized from the clipboard
IColumnPaintFormatInterface to paint a header in CGrid
IControlReflectorIControlReflector interface
ICopyPasteInterface to copy contents of CGrid to the clipboard
ICustomDrawPerforms custom drawing in CGrid
IDragDropDrag and drop interface
IEditInPlaceManages all phases of edit in place process
IEditInPlace::NavigationTargetDetermines the next cell which can participate in navigation
IForEachInterface to iterate items in the CGrid
IGridFilterInterface to filter data objects in CGrid
IHeaderPaintFormatInterface to paint a header in CGrid
IKeyManagerInterface to perform some actions (copy, paste, navigation, etc.) in the grid in response
ILinePaintFormatInterface to paint a line in CGrid
IObjectImporterInterface to import data objects from other applications
ITooltipInterface determining a content of the tooltip
ITooltipCtrlInterface to handle tooltip location in the grid
NM_GRIDCOLUMNSent by the grid to notify its parent window about column changing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message
NM_GRIDDRAGDROPSent by the grid to notify its parent window about drag & drop processing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message
NM_GRIDEDITSent by the grid to notify its parent window about edit in place processing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message
NM_GRIDITEMSent by the grid to notify its parent window about item updating. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message
NM_GRIDSORTSent by the grid to notify its parent window about sorting changing. This notification is sent in form of WM_NOTIFY message