MFC Grid manual

How to use synchronization objects?

// MyClass.h file

class CMyClass : public Dapfor::Common::CDataObject
    double  GetPrice() const;
    void    SetPrice(double newPrice);

    double  m_Price;
    mutable Dapfor::Common::CSyncObject m_Sync; //mutable because GetPrice() has const modifier

// MyClass.cpp file

double  CMyClass::GetPrice() const
    //Protect m_Price value
    Dapfor::Common::CLock lock(m_Sync);
    return m_Price;

void  CMyClass::SetPrice(double newPrice)
    //The brackets are necessary to send a notification without lock
        //Protect m_Price value
        Dapfor::Common::CLock lock(m_Sync);
        m_Price = newPrice;

    //Send a notification without lock.