Fixed the bug when the NM_GRIDDRAGDROP structure is always NULL in the EndDrop notification
Version 2.3.1
New features
Fixed the bug when MFC Grid crashes while serialization to CArchive if it has sorted columns.
Version 2.3.0
New features
Support for Visual 2010
Version 2.1.1
Bug fixing
Fix for an assertion dialog, throwing in debug versions dynamically linked libraries compiled on VC8 and VC9
Fix for bug when the text is painted over the collapse/expansion button
Version 2.1.0
New features
Upon numerous requests we have changed the license agreement to avoid limitations, related to the necessity of using the grid on the specified hardware. Please, refer the new license agreement and how to activate the license.
Added image alignment in cells. Please, reffer the GUI::CColumn class
Bug fixing
Fixed the bug leading to grid flashing
Version 2.0.5
Bug fixing
Fixed a bug in GUI::CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl that causes grid invalidation when the user clicks a dropdown button when the month calendar has already been opened.
Fixed a bug in GUI::CEmbeddedDateTimeCtrl when it can not corectly display the date or time when the user tries to change it in the DateTime control.
Added a new method GUI::CGrid::GetHandles(ContextType contextType = AllContexts) that gets all handles to rows (visible and invsible as well) stored in the grid.
Added two methods to the GUI::CHeader in order to change the hierarchical column (By default this is the first column in the grid).
Added a new virtual function OnBeginEdit(...) to the GUI::CEditInPlace that indicates the start of the edit in place process. Also, this method provides an access to the created and populated CWnd control.
Added new methods AddItem(), RemoveItem() and operator[] to the Common::CLongEnumFormat that will permit to modify the content in the combobox controls.
The methods CEditInPlace::AttachControl(...) and CEditInPlace::OnEndEdit(...) were modified. Now they get a new parametr - Common::CFormat that can be used to customize population of the edit in place control.