Dapfor.Net Inspector is a powerful and thread-safe tool for applications debugging. It can be used to inspect business logic level of an application in real-time mode and to alter various application parameters. It’s a common practice in software development to put break points in certain lines of code to view and alter values of certain variables in the IDE. When a developer inspects values through the IDE, the application is suspended. It is convenient for debugging simple applications. But if your application has lots of threads and timers, the debugging process becomes a really challenging task.
.Net Inspector is an additional tool among already existing debugging facilities. Besides displaying values of variables for different objects, .Net Inspector also enables a developer to edit these values via built-in editors at the application run-time. Moreover, a developer can inspect other objects reffered by the inspected object. In other words, a programmer can view the whole business layer logic of the application from the inside:

In addition to that, .Net Inspector can be used to inspect graphic controls in the application. The simplest example of its usage is inspecting and altering control appearance:

To access to the .Net Inspector, the developer can create a handler that reacts to a hidden key combination (e.g. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + mouse leftclick). In this case the programmer gets an additional chance to inspect the application and to change its behavior when no other tools can be of help.
C# | ![]() |
grid.MouseClick += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(grid.ClientRectangle.Width - 20, 0, 20, 20); if (rc.Contains(e.Location) && Equals(e.Button, MouseButtons.Left) && Equals(ModifierKeys, Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.Shift)) { InspectorForm inspector = new InspectorForm(); inspector.Show(grid); } }; |

Together with the logging system (.Net Logger), .Net Inspector provides a perfect opportunity to dramatically reduce application debugging time and to conceive the way of the application works.
License: The .Net Inspector component is available to owners of .Net Suite user license