The Grid type exposes the following members.


Public eventAppearanceChanged
Occurs when the Appearance is changed.
Public eventCellAppearanceChanged
Occurs when the Cell's appearance is changed.
Public eventCellBeginEdit
Occurs when the edit process begins.
Public eventCellClicked
Occurs when the end-user has clicked on the Cell.
Public eventCellClicking
Occurs when the end-user clicking on the Cell.
Public eventCellEditor
Occurs when the Grid needs to know the UITypeEditor to edit the Cell.
Public eventCellEndEdit
Occurs when the edit process finishes.
Public eventCellEnter
Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the Cell.
Public eventCellFormatChanged
Occurs when the Cell's IFormat is changed.
Public eventCellImageChanged
Occurs when the Cell's image is changed.
Public eventCellLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the Cell.
Public eventColumnAdded
Occurs when a new Column is added to the Header
Public eventColumnAppearanceChanged
Occurs when the Column's appearance is changed.
Public eventColumnMoved
Occurs when a Column has been moved.
Public eventColumnMoving
Occurs when a Column is moving.
Public eventColumnRemoved
Occurs when a Column has been removed from the Grid.
Public eventColumnRemoving
Occurs when a Column is removing from the Grid.
Public eventColumnVisibilityChanged
Occurs when a Column becomes visible or invisible.
Public eventColumnWidthChanged
Occurs when the Column's width is changed.
Public eventDragBegin
Occurs when the user begins the drag & drop operation
Public eventDragDropContent
Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
Public eventDragEnd
Occurs when the user ends the drag & drop operation
Public eventDragEnterContent
Occurs when a content is dragged into the grid's bounds.
Public eventDragOverContent
Occurs when a content is dragged over the grid's bounds.
Public eventFilterUpdated
Occurs when the filter for all rows in the grid has been updated.
Public eventFilterUpdating
Occurs when filter is updating.
Public eventFocusedColumnChanged
Occurs when the focused column is changed.
Public eventFocusedRowChanged
Occurs when the end used changes the focused row in the Grid.
Public eventFocusModeChanged
Occurs when the focus mode changed.
Public eventGroupingChanged
Occurs when Columns are regrouped in the Header.
Public eventHeaderAdded
Occurs when a header is added to the Grid.
Public eventHeaderHeightChanged
Occurs when the Header's height is changed.
Public eventHeaderRemoved
Occurs when a header has been removed from the Grid.
Public eventHeaderRemoving
Occurs when a header is removing from the Grid.
Public eventHeaderVisibilityChanged
Occurs when the Header becomes visible or invisible.
Public eventLassoSelection
Occurs when the user moves the mouse while lasso selection.
Public eventLassoSelectionBegin
Occurs when the user starts the lasso selection.
Public eventLassoSelectionEnd
Occurs when the user end the lasso selection.
Public eventMeasureCellWidth
Occurs when grid measures cell width to adjust columns to the best size.
Public eventNextEditableCell
Occurs when a new editable cell is required.
Public eventPaintBackground
Occurs to paint the background of the Grid.
Public eventPaintCell
Occurs to custom paint the Cell.
Public eventPaintColumnCaption
Occurs to paint the Column.
Public eventPaintColumnPanel
Occurs to paint header's column panel.
Public eventPaintGroupPanel
Occurs to paint header's group panel.
Public eventPaintGroupRow
Occurs to paint a group Row.
Public eventPaintHeader
Occurs to paint the Header.
Public eventPaintHierarchy
Occurs to paint a hierarchical indent (space between the row selector and Row or Header). This indent may contain such elements as expansion button, hierarchical lines, etc.
Public eventPaintMergedColumn
Occurs to paint merged column.
Public eventPaintRectangle
Occurs to paint a rectangle in the Grid.
Public eventPaintRow
Occurs to paint a Row.
Public eventPrevEditableCell
Occurs when a new editable cell is required.
Public eventPrintPage
Occurs when a page is printed or previewed.
Public eventRenderChanged
Occurs when render has been changed.
Public eventRowAdded
Occurs when a new Row is added to the grid.
Public eventRowAdding
Occurs when a new data object is adding to grid.
Public eventRowAppearanceChanged
Occurs when the Row's appearance is changed.
Public eventRowExpansionChanged
Occurs when a Row is expanded or collapsed.
Public eventRowExpansionChanging
Occurs when a Row is expanding or collapsing.
Public eventRowHeightChanged
Occurs when the Row's height is changed.
Public eventRowMoved
Occurs when a Row is moved in the Grid.
Public eventRowRemoved
Occurs after the Row has been removed from the Grid.
Public eventRowRemoving
Occurs when a Row is removing from the Grid.
Public eventRowUpdated
Occurs when a data object, inserted into the Grid is updated.
Public eventRowVisibilityChanged
Occurs when a Row becomes visible or invisible.
Public eventScroll
Occurs when vertical or horizontal scroll is changed.
Public eventSelectionChanged
Occurs when the Row's selection is changed.
Public eventSelectionChanging
Occurs when the Row's selection is changed.
Public eventSortChanged
Occurs when a sort changed in the Grid.
Public eventValidateCell
Occurs when a value should be validated while cell editing.

See Also