The LogViewer type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDateFormat
Gets or sets the date format. Default value is "HH:mm:ss.fff"
Public propertyDisplayInspector
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the logger can invoke the .Net Inspector.
Public propertyDisplayToolbar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the toolbar should be displayed.
Public propertyEvenRowsAppearance
Gets the even rows appearance.
Public propertyFilter
Gets or sets the filter. Default value is "*"
Public propertyGrid
Gets the grid used in the logger.
Public propertyHeaderAppearance
Gets the header appearance.
Public propertyInspectingStyle
Gets or sets a style, indicating how the Logger will display the extended information.
Public propertyMaxRowCount
Gets or sets the max row count that can be displayed in the logger.
Public propertyOddRowsAppearance
Gets the odd rows appearance.
Public propertyReadonly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this LogViewer can modify the extented data.
Public propertyShowDebug
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the messages with the 'Debug' severity should be displayed.
Public propertyShowError
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the messages with the 'Error' severity should be displayed.
Public propertyShowFatal
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the messages with the 'Fatal' severity should be displayed.
Public propertyShowInfo
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the messages with the 'Info' severity should be displayed.
Public propertyShowWarning
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the messages with the 'Warning' severity should be displayed.

See Also