The Preferences..::..PreferencesGrid type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAddingDataRowColor
Gets or sets the color of the Row, which currently adds the data in a DataSource.
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the background color of the grid.
Public propertyColumnCaptionFont
Gets or sets the default Font to paint text on the column panel.
Public propertyColumnDefaultWidth
Gets or sets the default width of the Column.
Public propertyColumnMinimalWidth
Gets or sets the minimal width Columns in the Header.
Public propertyColumnOnGroupPanelDefaultHeight
Gets or sets the default height of the Column on the group panel.
Public propertyColumnPanelAppearance
Gets the default Appearance of the column panel in Header.
Public propertyColumnPanelHeight
Gets or sets the default height of the column panel.
Public propertyEditorPaintValueSize
Gets the size of the surface, where the UITypeEditor can paint values.
Public propertyEvenRowsAppearance
Gets default appearance of even Rows
Public propertyExpandGroups
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the groups, inserting to Grid are initially expanded.
Public propertyFocusColor
Gets or sets the color of the focused Row or Cell.
Public propertyGroupPanelAppearance
Gets the default Appearance of the group panel in Header.
Public propertyGroupPanelFont
Gets or sets the default Font to paint text on the group panel.
Public propertyGroupPanelHeight
Gets or sets the height of the group panel.
Public propertyGroupPanelText
Gets or sets the default text, which is shown on the group panel of the Header when it does not contain grouped Columns.
Public propertyGroupPanelTextAlignment
Gets or sets the ContentAlignment to paint the text on the group panel.
Public propertyGroupPanelTextSettings
Gets the TextSettings to display the GroupPanelText on the group panel.
Public propertyGroupRowAppearance
Gets the default appearance of the group Row
Public propertyGroupRowDefaultHeight
Gets or sets a default height of the group Row.
Public propertyHotInspectedObjectColor
Gets or sets the color of the row that can be inspected in the Inspector control.
Public propertyMergedColumnHeight
Gets or sets the default height of the merged column panel.
Public propertyOddRowsAppearance
Gets default appearance of odd Rows
Public propertyRowDefaultHeight
Gets or sets a default height of the Row.
Public propertyRowMinimalHeight
Gets or sets the minimal height of Rows in the Grid.
Public propertyRowSelector
Gets the default Appearance of the row selector (visual element on the left side of the Grid, which permits to manipulate the Rows, change their height, select them, show related images, etc.)
Public propertySelectionColor
Gets or sets the color of the selected Rows.
Public propertySortLevels
Gets the max number of sort levels, available in the Grid.

See Also