An attribute that declares DoubleFormat for a property of data object.

Namespace: Dapfor.Net.Formats
Assembly: Dapfor.Net (in Dapfor.Net.dll) Version: (


public sealed class DoubleFormatAttribute : FormatBaseAttribute
Visual Basic
Public NotInheritable Class DoubleFormatAttribute
	Inherits FormatBaseAttribute
Visual C++
public ref class DoubleFormatAttribute sealed : public FormatBaseAttribute
type DoubleFormatAttribute =  
        inherit FormatBaseAttribute


A very important feature in .Net Grid is its ability to work directly with application business logic. Business logic is a set of classes that may have certain properties returning specific values, i.g. prices, quantities, dates, etc. Generally these values are represented by primitive types, such as System.Int32, System.Double, System.Decimal etc. To show this data in grid cells, it's sufficient to convert the necessary values into the System.String type by calling Object.ToString() or String.Format("{0}", value). However, this approach is not flexible and doesn't support parsing strings to objects. To fill in for this, the .Net Grid provides a very powerful system of formats to convert values into strings and vice-versa. These formats are fully customizable. For instance, the grid can display empty strings instead of "0" when a value equals 0 or add a separator between thousands or some prefix or suffix like "$". These formats can also parse strings back into values. For application programming it's better to have a set of format classes, where data presentation is centralized.

In programming, formats can be defined in the following places:

  • As an attribute of a class property. For example: FormatAttribute, DoubleFormatAttribute, EmptyFormatAttribute, etc.
  • In a column: Column.Format = 'your format';
  • Directly in a cell (this method requires a lot of memory): Cell.Format = 'your format';

The DoubleFormat can be declared with the DoubleFormatAttribute. The following example demonstrates this:

 Copy imageCopy
public class Product
    private double price;

    //With this declaration all double values are formatted with DoubleFormat.
    [DoubleFormat(Precision = 3, ShortForm = true, ShowZero = false)]
    public double Price
        get { return price; }

//Populate the grid and set a specified format for the 'Price' column
public void PopulateGrid(Grid grid)
    //Initialize the grid
    grid.Headers.Add(new Header());
    grid.Headers[0].Add(new Column("Price"));

    //Populate the grid
    grid.Rows.Add(new Product());

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also