The GridControl type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAppearanceAlternatingRowBackground
Gets or sets the alternating row background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceAlternatingRowForeground
Gets or sets the alternating row foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceCellBlinkBackground
Gets or sets the cell blink background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnActiveFilter
Gets or sets the column active filter brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnBackground
Gets or sets the column background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnBorder
Gets or sets the column border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnBorderThickness
Gets or sets the column border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnCornerRadius
Gets or sets the column corner radius.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnFilterBorder
Gets or sets the column sort border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnForeground
Gets or sets the column foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnInactiveFilter
Gets or sets the column inactive filter brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnSort
Gets or sets the column sort brush.
Public propertyAppearanceColumnSortBorder
Gets or sets the column sort border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceFocusBackground
Gets or sets the focus background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceFocusBorder
Gets or sets the focus border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceFocusBorderThickness
Gets or sets the focus border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceGroupRowBackground
Gets or sets the group row background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceGroupRowForeground
Gets or sets the group row foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderColumnPanelBackground
Gets or sets the header column panel background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderColumnPanelBorder
Gets or sets the header column panel border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderColumnPanelBorderThickness
Gets or sets the header column panel border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderGroupPanelBackground
Gets or sets the header group panel background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderGroupPanelBorder
Gets or sets the header group panel border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderGroupPanelBorderThickness
Gets or sets the header group panel border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderGroupPanelForeground
Gets or sets the header group panel foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderSelectorBackground
Gets or sets the header selector background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderSelectorBorder
Gets or sets the header selector border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderSelectorBorderThickness
Gets or sets the header selector border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceHeaderSelectorForeground
Gets or sets the header selector foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceLassoBackground
Gets or sets the lasso background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceLassoBorder
Gets or sets the lasso border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceLassoBorderThickness
Gets or sets the lasso border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceRowBackground
Gets or sets the row background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceRowForeground
Gets or sets the row foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceRowSelectorBackground
Gets or sets the row selector background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceRowSelectorBorder
Gets or sets the row selector border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceRowSelectorBorderThickness
Gets or sets the row selector border thickness.
Public propertyAppearanceRowSelectorForeground
Gets or sets the row selector foreground brush.
Public propertyAppearanceSelectionBackground
Gets or sets the selection background brush.
Public propertyAppearanceSelectionBorder
Gets or sets the selection border brush.
Public propertyAppearanceSelectionBorderThickness
Gets or sets the selection border thickness.
Public propertyCustomSort
Gets or sets an implementation of ICustomSort interface to customize Row ordering or sorting.
Public propertyDataObjects
Provides a reverse search of Rows by data objects, already inserted to the GridControl.
Public propertyEditingCell
Gets the currently editing cell.
Public propertyFilter
Sets and gets a new filter interface.
Public propertyFocusedRow
Gets the currently focused Row.
Public propertyHeaders
Gets the header collection.
Public propertyHitTests
Gets elements by their location inside the grid.
Public propertyItemsSource
Gets or sets the items source.
Public propertyNavigation
Provides access to navigation methods such as KeyUp, KeyDows etc.
Public propertyNodes
Gets a collection of both visible and invisible rows at the top hierarchy level
Public propertyRows
Gets a collection of all visible rows
Public propertySelection
Gets a collection of selected rows.
Public propertySettingsBlinking
Gets or sets blinking settings such as duration.
Public propertySettingsDataBinding
Gets or sets data binding settings.
Public propertySettingsDefaults
Gets or sets default values for the current instance of the GridControl.
Public propertySettingsDragAndDrop
Gets or sets drag and drop settings.
Public propertySettingsExpansionButtonEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether expansion (+/-) buttins should be visible.
Public propertySettingsExpansionButtonWidth
Gets or sets the width of expansion (+/-) buttons.
Public propertySettingsFocus
Gets or sets GridControl's focus settings.
Public propertySettingsNavigation
Gets or sets navigation settings to handle user input.
Public propertySettingsRowSelector
Gets or sets the row selector settings.
Public propertySettingsSelection
Gets or sets row selection settings.
Public propertySettingsSorting
Gets the sorting settings.
Public propertyTemplateCell
Gets or sets DataTemplate for cells.
Public propertyTemplateColumn
Gets or sets DataTemplate for columns.
Public propertyTemplateExpansionButtonCollapse
Gets or sets the ControlTemplate that represents expansion button.
Public propertyTemplateExpansionButtonExpand
Gets or sets the ControlTemplate that represents expansion button.
Public propertyTemplateGroupRow
Gets or sets DataTemplate for group rows.
Public propertyTemplateRowSelector
Gets or sets DataTemplate for row selectors.
Protected propertyVisualChildrenCount
Gets the number of visual child elements within this element.
(Overrides FrameworkElement..::..VisualChildrenCount.)

See Also