The DataObjectAccessor type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCount
Gets the count of IDataField.
(Inherited from DataObjectAccessorBase.)
Public propertyDataObject
Gets the underlying data object if exists.
(Inherited from DataObjectAccessorBase.)
Public propertyHierarchicalFields
Gets a list of data fields that allows GridControl to build a hierarchy
(Inherited from DataObjectAccessorBase.)
Public propertyItem[([( Int32])])
Gets the IDataField by the index.
(Inherited from DataObjectAccessorBase.)
Public propertyItem[([( String])])
Gets the IDataField by the specified string identifier.
(Inherited from DataObjectAccessorBase.)
Public propertySupportsIdentifiers
Gets a value indicating whether the access to the fields of the data object by their field identifier is available.
(Inherited from DataObjectAccessorBase.)
Public propertySupportsNotifications
Gets a value indicating whether this data accessor and underlying data object fire notifications, when the property is changed.
(Overrides DataObjectAccessorBase..::..SupportsNotifications.)

See Also